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Legal documents - Vinicunca US
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Vinicunca US / Legal documents

Why Perú Grand Travel

Peru Grand Travel offers their customers consistent quality and gives priority to the services of the highest level that fully meet the expectations of tourists who choose us.

Our company has transportation service providers, guides, chefs, camping equipment and other services related to traveling in Peru and Bolivia. We are unlike other tour operators that provide a faulty service. Such operators often have an inexperienced staff, rip off their employees, and have camping equipment in poor condition. These companies are unfit for hiring transportation services and often exceed the normal load of passengers that a vehicle unit should contain. These agencies charge very little money for their services. These prices do not cover the actual costs that a responsible agency does, since they use deceit in order to defraud both their staff working with them and the tourists who purchase their services.

Are we a legal company?

Peru Grand Travel E.I.R.L. pays general sales tax (known as IGV), which is currently 18%, and we pay the annual income (a 30% tax on profits per year). Our accountant carefully pays all those taxes. We never try to evade any tax, inasmuch as we are a responsible company that must contribute directly to the Peruvian economy. In 2013, we hope to use a part of our profit to increase our expenditure on community projects. We are really aware that there are a lot of indigenous people in many communities who live in extreme poverty in which we must pay close attention to these kinds of needs.

We pay such high taxes because aproximately 80% of our clients are direct sales through the Internet. We also work with intermediaries or operate treks for overseas tour companies. If you buy a trek outside of Peru, you will probably pay sales tax in your home country. When an overseas tour company sends the money to a Peruvian tour company who will actually operate your trek, this payment is exempt from tax (so you do not end up paying sales tax twice). That means that if you purchase a trek or tour with a tour company outside of Peru you are not contributing towards the Peruvian economy in the form of sales taxes. This type of service is known as “receptive tourism” where Peruvian companies operate treks for overseas companies rather than finding their clients directly. Of course, by buying a trek outside of Peru you will still be helping the economy by providing work for local people. We estimate that over 75% of services provided by Peruvian tour operators are “receptive” and do not contribute directly to the economy. Peru Grand Travel E.I.R.L pays sales taxes on 100% of our Inca Trail services and other tours.

Below is to provide you with all our legal documents that certify that we are a legal company.

Municipal Licence

Regional Administration in external trade and tourism (Dircetur)